Ingredient Glossary

Hydrating Plumping

Hyaluronic Acid

What does it do?

Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the atmosphere into the upper layers of the skin. It helps hydrate the skin, retain moisture for longer and provide skin-plumping benefits. Hyaluronic Acid comes in three molecular weights: small, medium and large, which determine the depth of penetration into the skin.

This ingredient works best when applied to damp skin to avoid moisture being drawn away from the lower layers of the skin, resulting in increased dryness.

Where does it originate from?

Our Hyaluronic Acid is naturally derived through biotechnology.

When should I use it?

This ingredient can be used day and night.

What skin type is it best suited to?

Hyaluronic Acid is suitable for all skin types. It's ideal for dry and mature skin due to its moisture retention and skin plumping benefits.

What does it work well with?

Hyaluronic Acid works well with most common skincare ingredients, including RetinolAHAsVitamin C and Niacinamide.

What else do I need to know?

You may see improvements in skin hydration as soon as 15 minutes after application of Hyaluronic Acid. But long-term benefits including skin plumpness and an improved appearance of fine lines will come after 4-6 weeks of consistent use.

Which Q+A products feature Hyaluronic Acid?